I know if I write about cherry blossoms a picture absolutely must accompany the entry. However, as of yet, I have been selfish and have been purely enjoying the cherry blossoms for myself without taking a single picture. I try to make sure that I look at them every time I pass even a single tree. However, I also look at their beauty and I feel sad, because the season in which the cherry blossoms bloom truly emphasizes life`s impermanence. The blossoms are so splendid, yet they are also so fragile and short-lived, just like our time with the people we care about most. I want the blossoms to last forever, just as I never want to say goodbye to those I really care about, yet the time inevitably comes when the blossoms must fall and I must be separated from my family and friends. Cherry blossom season comes at the end of March and the beginning of April, a time of goodbyes and new beginnings in Japan. At the end of March, many students have graduation ceremonies and must say goodbye to their friends with whom they spent so many years attending classes and obtaining an education. April, which brings the start of a new school year in a different school, or the start of work for university graduates, is a time of meeting new people but also of being separated from those of whom you have grown so fond. Then again, if I am patient and simply wait, I know I can count on the cherry blossoms to return next year.
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