Every Thursday afternoon from 2:45 to 3:45 I tutor Konan University students in English. I go to the office that runs the tutoring program and obtain the room key and sign-in sheet, and then I go to the English tutoring room on the sixth floor of the same building and work with fellow students. Various students visit the tutoring room, most in search of speaking practice. We talk about whatever is on our minds, from the meaning of the word citizenship to English slang to relationships. I have found that many of the students who are majoring in English Literature and who attend the tutoring sessions are quite competent in spoken English, and I am impressed. Each student must sign in on the sign-in sheet and state the purpose of their visit to the tutoring session, so I have also had a few students come to the sessions in search of homework help. I assisted one of my friends with her studies for her upcoming English vocabulary quiz, and she told me she obtained the second-highest grade in the class on that quiz. I am proud of her. I also helped her review a speech she gave for her English class. I took some photos of some of the other tutors, who are exchange students, and some of the other Konan University students who came to the tutoring session to practice English conversation.
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